Month: March 2010

Martin Grossman Cover Story

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Here’s the introduction to Zman Magazine’s cover story this month.

The Jewish world recently undertook a colossal campaign to save the life of a young Jewish man sentenced to death, Martin Grossman. Spanning continents and religious denominations, countless Jews took time from busy schedules to telephone, e-mail, and write to politicians who could potentially spare Grossman from his death row fate. (The official estimate was 50,000 appeals. However, those involved in the efforts claim that there were many more. Just the petitions alone that were sent to the governor contained more than 40,000 signatures.)

At the same time, the heavenly “offices” were likewise flooded with heartfelt pleas and prayers. Jews stormed the gates of heaven, beseeching that they not be closed. None of those prayers went to waste; no prayer ever does. Someday, somewhere, those prayers will be retrieved from beneath the Heavenly Throne to generate salvation for Jews in need.

These were publicized efforts undertaken by the community at large. However, at the same time, a far more discreet, but no less intense campaign was implemented behind the scenes by experienced askanim and Jewish leaders.
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Zman’s New Website

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Zman Magazine, Pesach Issue

Our website went live today.

In the future, we plan to post some excerpts of the actual articles. For now you can see the cover of the new issue due to hit the stores tomorrow.

Zman Magazine

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Those of you who know me know that I recently became editor of Zman Magazine. The first issue was a smash success. The second issue went to print this morning (like 4 in the AM). I hope to share more about it in the future.